Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Benny Boo in his First Production

Benny Boo was cast in his first school play as EEyore he was so proud he came home with his lines he had to learn and even took them to Nelson on his weekend with Katrina and Rodney and kept learning them up there he knew them off by heart clever little chicken that he is I got the job of making his costume again for him and the first one well that was a bit of a stuff up much to Bens delight he went off to school and told the class for his morning news and then i got a n ote home asking to go in to see his teacher she was concerned and wanted me to not worry and let him wear the one i stuffed up but Ben wasnt having that so I sat up making sure his outfit was up to his standards and low and behold i managed to do it He was so excited on the first day of show we couldnt make it to that one due to work but we made sure we made it the next day and he was full of smiles and puffed his chest out when he seen us sitting in the front row he did so well and managed to get through all his lines with no problems. Budding Actor in the making The Sad Eeyore
Watching over the bees
Singing time

The cast finale and about to bow

Ausi here we come

Queens birthday weekend Simon and I hopped on a plane and took off for a few days to Sydney we had a great time although i spent most of the time there sick with food poisioning from dinner the night before we flew out but we still did everythiing we had planned and i had a ball specially shopping for the kids and I did alot if firsts and seen alot of things i had never before i also met Simons mum and dad they are a hoot had lots of laughs with them and even sat with pa and had some home brew damn he is good they are both lovely people also met Simons brother and sister in law and his nephews Brendan and Rohan I had already met Brendan when he came to NZ a couple of years ago so anyway here are some photos from ausi

Mum has trained him well dont you think Pa doin the washing in the twin tub

Simon again with the silly hat this is Rohans one
Sunday night on the harbour infront of the bridge The Kangas and all that was seperating them from me was a fence no higher than my knee

Simon grew ears over night :D

This cheeky Koala decided while i was having my photo taken with it to reach down and try to take my glasses off my head the keeper warned me but not soon enough for the koala to grab a handful of hair but he was nice enought to leave it attatched to my head
Cheeky wee thing

The ferry ride from Taronga Zoo back to Sydney Harbour a bit bloody windy Going in for another grab he really wanted those glasses

A little chapel just down from our motel room looked just wonderful at night i had to have a pic

My first time on a mono rail Chomp Chomp at Sydney Aquarium
big teeth
Yukky snakes

Purr nice pussy cat MEOW